
Döttling Luxury Safes and Buben&Zörweg create a luxury watch safe

November 2006


Döttling Luxury Safes has teamed up with the famous winding box and clock manufacturer, Buben&Zörweg, to create luxury watch safes with winding equipment for several automatic timepieces. Not only are the safes a practical and secure place to store a collection of watches, but they are also an antique piece of furniture. With safes from the art nouveau period to the Napoleon III and Wilhelminian style, there is something to suit most apartments and castles.


Döttling, established in 1919 and based in the town of Sindelfingen, Germany, restores and fortifies historical safes and gives them a new identity. The company has transformed old safes into handcrafted humidors, cocktail bars, jewellery cases and gun cabinets, to name but a few of the projects it has created for its clients. Döttling has outlets all over the world so if you are lucky enough to have a collection, or an old safe, find out more below.


Source: Europa Star


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(Please credit europastar.com)