
Europa Star Poll Results

June 2008

Counterfeit Internet searches were the subject of this week’s EUROPA STAR ONLINE POLL QUESTION. Out of the United States, France and Italy, the country that saw the greatest increase in Internet searches for counterfeit watches in 2007 (20 percent) was not the United States, as most of you thought, but Italy.

A: United States (41 percent of Europa Star readers voted for A)
B: France (29 percent of Europa Star readers voted for B)
C: Italy (29 percent of Europa Star readers voted for C)

These results and other fascinating statistics concerning the most sought after brands and models in the key markets of the watch industry are available in the WorldWatchReport. The full report is available on

Test your knowledge of the watch industry by answering the following question at the bottom of the Europa Star home page: Which brand chose the most popular ambassador on the Internet to represent its brand’s model?

The results will be posted Friday week.