
Omega premieres Planet Ocean film in Switzerland

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May 2013

Since 2011, Omega has worked alongside the GoodPlanet Foundation raising public awareness of our oceans and sharing its dedication to sustainability.

On May 15 2013, Omega celebrated the Swiss premier of Planet Ocean, a landmark new environmental documentary directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot. The Planet Ocean film, which combines spectacular aerial and underwater images, draws on the talents of the world’s leading underwater cinematographers, oceanographers and biologists. The 90-minute eco-documentary was created to change the way people look at the oceans and to encourage them to imagine conservation and stewardship as responsibilities shared by everyone on earth. It was first premiered at the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012.

An exhibition dedicated to the film Planet Ocean is running at the Cité du Temps in Geneva until 9 June 2013
An exhibition dedicated to the film Planet Ocean is running at the Cité du Temps in Geneva until 9 June 2013

Yann Arthus-Bertrand, one of the world’s best-known environmental activists and filmmakers, said of his partnership with Omega: “When Omega proposed the Planet Ocean project to me, I accepted almost immediately; it was time to look at things directly, to illustrate and to denounce the dangers threatening our oceans and therefore our planet. This documentary is not intended to moralize, but rather to raise consciousness.”

Omega, which invented the first diving watch in 1932, has a long legacy of creating timepieces that help explore and enjoy the oceans. With that history in mind, Omega funded Planet Ocean and commissioned acclaimed photographer, filmmaker and environmentalist Arthus-Bertrand and his non-profit organization, GoodPlanet, to create a film with the goal of raising awareness of ocean conservation.

Source: Omega