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Important note: readers in French-speaking Switzerland and in mainland China who opt for a subscription including our Global print edition will also receive our local editions, Europa Star Première or Europa Star China, free of charge.

Get the latest Europa Star print & digital issues, along with more than 1,900 fully searchable digitised magazines dating back to the 1930s comprising over 170,000 pages of watchmaking (hi)stories.

Publication languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and more.

Travel back in time through ten decades of watch models, brands, advertisements and editorials.


What payment method can I use?

You can pay with all major credit cards. All subscriptions are charged annually (your access is active during 365 days) and will renew automatically unless you cancel through Moonclerk.

How do I get a login and password to access my profile?

You will receive your login and password by e-mail once you pay your subscription. You will be able to change your password afterwards in your Europa Star Club account.

How does magazine delivery work?

We offer worldwide delivery by post.

What is the e-magazine and how can I access it?

The Europa Star Global e-magazine is an exact digital replica of the printed magazine. E-magazines are exclusively available to Europa Star Club members.

Can I test the system before subscribing?

Yes, you can test how it works in live at this page www.europastar.com/magazine.html and browse 3 demo magazine issues selected at random at this other page www.europastar.com/demo.html

For any further questions, please contact us at [email protected].