
Prix Hublot 2003

May 2003

Prix Hublot 2003

In addition to supporting various humanitarian programs around the world, the MDM Foundation awards the “Prix Hublot” each year to a person or organization having distinguished themselves through their work on behalf of the world's underprivileged children. The recipients of this award are honoured with CHF 50,000.- annually at the Basel Fair.

Faced this year with an overwhelming number of requests for emergency aid around the world, it was impossible to award the prize to only one laureate. The “Prix Hublot” 2003 will be divided between two candidates, both of whom have devoted their lives to the well being of others and who live themselves only through private donation and funding.

The MDM Foundation “main dans la main” (Hand in Hand), under the presidency of Mr. Carlo Crocco, is awarding this year the “Prix Hublot” of CHF 50,000.- to Sister ThÉrèse Jacqueline Purtscher and Mr. GrÉgoire Ahongbonon.

Sister ThÉrèse Jacqueline Purtscher, for her commitment and work with the Association Granjas Infantiles Feminiles in Medellin, Colombia, country destroyed by violence, war and insecurity. The Association is helping to “protect” and educate 180 young girls from the poorest families of Medellin, and is affording 270 girls the opportunity to attend schools from kindergarten through graduation. Education is offered freely and the Sisters give everything that is necessary for these children to be able to study and prepare for their futures in an harmonious family atmosphere; rediscovering the joys of life surrounded by a healing love.

The second recipient of the “Prix Hublot” is Mr. GrÉgoire Ahongbonon, who after having cared for the poor, has dedicated himself to help human beings, who are condemned insane and are spending years attached like animals to trunk trees. Their freedom and rehabilitation has obliged GrÉgoire Ahongbonon to create Rehabilitation Centres where these individuals receive rehabilitation counselling and are given the possibility of a future.

GrÉgoire Ahongbonon has today opened 6 Rehabilitation Centres in BouakÉ in the Ivory Coast which, over the last 10 years, have welcomed over 3000 people, 2000 of whom have been miraculously cured and have returned to their families.

The MDM Foundation has been most impressed by a life of such dedication for the poor, and has presented the award to Sister ThÉrèse Jacqueline Purtscher and GrÉgoire Ahongbonon, under the Presence of Mr. RenÉ Felber, former President of Switzerland, during the Hublot press conference BaselWorld 2003.
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Source: Hublot press release
May 2003