
Ventura Watch and Louis Moinet win red dot design awards

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March 2012

The SPARC® MGS® digital watch by Ventura Watch and the Geograph Rainforest by Louis Moinet have both won “best of the best” in the watch category of this year’s red dot design awards.

The watches are two out of a total of 62 products that have been awarded the “red dot: best of the best” title among 14,000 entries from 1,800 companies in 70 countries.

Ventura Watch and Louis Moinet win red dot design awards
The Geograph Rainforest by Louis Moinet

“Companies have realised that investing in design offers a considerable added value. In the end, the design of a product is the most important incentive for the purchase decision of a consumer,” explains Professor Dr. Peter Zec, the CEO of the red dot.

“The red dot is not only an excellent marketing tool which generates a high degree of attention. It also serves as indicator for the creative performance of designers. Thus, these creative heads gain recognition for their work and companies can find out which designers achieve above-average results.”

The winners are selected by a jury comprised of 30 international experts who examined, tested and evaluated each individual product submitted according to criteria such as innovation, functionality, self-explanatory quality and environmental compatibility.

Ventura Watch and Louis Moinet win red dot design awards
The SPARC® MGS® by Ventura

Products from 19 different categories were assessed, ranging in size from paper clips to cars and even construction projects. In addition to the red dot quality seal, the “red dot: best of the best” award recognizes the highest quality (just over one per cent of entries received this award this year), while an “honourable mention” distinguishes remarkable detail solutions.

The awards will be presented at a ceremony at the Aalto-Theater in Essen, German, on 2 July 2012, which will be followed by a special exhibition at the red dot design museum in Essen from 3 July 2012 to 29 July 2012.