Watchmaking in China

The Chinese names of the main watch brands


October 2019

The Chinese names of the main watch brands

Symbolizing vitality and intelligence, the rat will take over from the pig at the Chinese New Year on January 20th 2020. Beyond the Zodiac signs, did you know that each watch brand has its own Chinese name? The translation is challenging. But here we go!


hina, a very ancient civilization, is the most promising client of the Swiss watch industry in the 21st century. Symbolizing vitality and intelligence, the rat will take over from the pig at the Chinese New Year on January 20th 2020, and we already see the arrival of creations of Swiss watch brands around this theme. But beyond the Zodiac signs, did you know that each watch brand has its own Chinese name? The translation is challenging. But here we go ... with pronounciation and meaning!


苹果 píngguǒ:

“apple”. Obvious, really!

Audemars Piguet

爱彼 ài bǐ: “love”, “that”. Most Chinese now just call it “AP”.


宝格丽 bǎo gé lì: “treasure” or “gems”, “structure”, “beauty”. It rolls off the tongue rather well and the character 丽 is very feminine.


卡地亚 kă dì yà: “stop gate” or “authority”, “soil” or “earth”, “tribal emblem”. 地 has the same sound as the character for “emperor”.


香奈儿 xiāng nài’er: “fragrant”, “soft femininity”.


迪奥 dí’ào: “to enlighten”, “mysterious”. What if you switch the Chinese word around? It gives 奥迪 for Audi!


古驰 gǔ chí: “ancient”, “horse” or “fast car”.


爱马仕 ài mă shì: “love”, “horse”, “elite” or “noble”. The character 仕 evokes an ancient ideal that most Chinese are desperately trying to identify with.


宇舶 yǔ bó: “universe”, “ship docking”.


积家 jī jiā: “piling crops after harvest” or “to gather”, “home”.


浪琴 làng qín: “wave”, “musical instrument”. Quite romantic!

Louis Vuitton

路 易威登 lù yì wēi dēng: 路易 is the Chinese transliteration of Louis, while 威 means “power” and 登 “to be on top”.


欧米茄 ōu mǐ jiā: “European”, “measuring unit”, “large leaf”.


沛纳海 pèi nà hǎi: “exuberant”, “to be absorbed”, “sea”. The dominant theme is clear!

Patek Philippe

百达翡 丽 băi dá fěi lì: “hundred”, “to achieve”, “green jade, “beauty”. Probably the best Chinese name in the watch industry, with the implied meaning: “Every possible way to get to one’s desire, power, wealth, beauty and poise”.

Richard Mille

理查 德米尔 lǐ chá dé mǐ’ěr.


劳力士 láo lì shì: “working”, “power” or “strength”, ”man” or “adult”. The implied meaning is: “Something that never fails”.

TAG Heuer

泰格 豪雅 tài gé háo yǎ: “prosperity, “structure”, “wealth, “taste”.


天梭 tiān suō: “sky”, “to travel”.


梅花 méi huā: “plum blossom”.

Vacheron Constantin

江诗丹顿 jiāng shī dān dùn: “large river”, “poetry”, “deep red” or “magical healing”, “to stop” or “to finish”. Only the name Constantin has been translated, otherwise the brand’s name would be too long (Chinese brand names are usually no longer than 4 syllables).


真力时 zhēn lì shí: “real”, “power” or “strength”, “time”.

DANDY by Chaumet

You can find the Chinese names of all watch brands on our website